As a child, you probably heard some wonderful things about dolphins. You learned how smart and clever they were. You may have even gone to SeaWorld and seen a dolphin perform tricks, much to the delight of the audience.
But research reveals dolphins are not always fun, lovable mammals. Read on to learn some amazing facts that may change your perspective.

1. They Are Aggressive Towards Their Females
Aggressive dolphins? It may seem astounding, but these creatures can be violent toward their female species.
They are known to gang up on their females, isolate them, and violently mate with them for weeks on end. They make threatening noises, exhibit sudden movements, and smack their women to ensure they follow their commands. If the female tries to swim away, the males will hunt them down!
2. They Often Kill Their Offspring to Mate With the Mother
Based on our understanding, dolphins stand out as one of the few creatures known to engage in killing purely for amusement. Male dolphins sometimes resort to killing offspring as a means to get their females to mate with them again, showcasing a cunning albeit lethal tactic.
Research reveals that some dolphins may kill other dolphin’s babies. In 2002, nine baby dolphin bodies were found to be the victims of blunt force trauma with puncture wounds that seem to be consistent with the formation of the adult dolphin’s bottlenose.
3. They Are Not Very Friendly Towards Humans
Dolphins may seem charming. But don’t get too close. They have been known to attack humans in various ways.
First off, dolphins have exceptionally sharp teeth, and they will bite. They can even use their teeth to pull you underwater. One dolphin attacked an 8-year-old girl during a SeaWorld feeding.
One famous dolphin, Dusty, was known for being very friendly with people, but she was also very territorial. She attacked one woman with her snout resulting in three broken ribs, six spinal fractures, a damaged lung, and post-traumatic stress.
“Within microseconds, Dusty had plowed into me with her snout. It was very powerful and painful, and the speed was amazing,” said Valerie Ryan, the woman who was attacked.
4. They Torture Other Sea Creatures
Dolphins hunt for prey in terrifying groups of 1000 or more. Once they capture prey, they torture them before putting them out of their misery. They attack by stirring up mud in a circular formation to trap fish inside or viciously beat them before devouring them.
5. Killing is a Source of Enjoyment for Them
While most animals kill other animals to survive, dolphins do it for fun. They use their beaks like clubs and teeth like daggers. Rather than eat their prey, they leave them to die showing signs of murderous urges.
6. Horny Dolphins Don’t Mind Groping Humans
You may think you are safe, but dolphins are extremely sexually aggressive. One went after retired actress Demi Moore when she was visiting Siegfried and Roy’s Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat. Other footage shows a dolphin sexually attacking a scuba diver.
7. Their Prehensile Appendages Lead to Weird Mating Rituals
Male dolphins have prehensile sexual organs meaning they can grab and hold. When erect, their appendages can be described as hook-like. They ensure their women don’t get away during the sexual act.
“Think of the penis as a key, and the female’s vagina as a lock. It’s meant for securing, not necessarily grabbing,” says Eric Lemonds on
Moreover, they insert their penises into other dolphin’s blowholes to have sex. This type of nasal sexuality makes the whole thing even weirder!
8. They Love to Get High
Dolphins are known recreational drug abusers. They actively seek out and attack puffer fish so they will release their neurotoxins and get the dolphins high. Then the dolphins swim about the sea without a care in the world.