A Lyft driver picks up the wrong passenger and gets assaulted with a gun. The attempted robbery ended in two suspects being arrested and charged.
Author: Joe L
Do you love you some drama? If so, you may have caught the viral video of a girl who gets into a fight with her mother over an affair she had with her chemistry teacher. It had many people wondering, is this video real? The video opens with a teenager named Jessica singing off-key along with her computer to T-Pain’s Apple Bottom Jeans (Low). Her mother busts in to ask her if she slept with Mr. Wilson, her high school teacher. The conversation quickly elevates into a screaming match as Jessica denies the affair and her mother insists it happens. …
While many kidnapping stories end in unthinkable tragedy, Bryce Weiner’s tale is a bright spot among the darkness.
The ocean holds all sorts of fascinating and (sometimes) nightmare-inducing creatures, so to help you get to know the razor clam a little better, we’ll go over 5 of the most interesting facts about them:
September 15th, 2009 was supposed to be Broom’s last day on Earth. After receiving the death sentence for the 1984 murder of 14-year-old Tryna Middleton, Broom had spent decades on death row.
People have been wrongly accused and pulled over for a lot of bogus things, but what happened to James Hodges really pushes the limit.
In the case of Daniel Villegas, false imprisonment stole his entire life. He was arrested for murder in 1993 at the age of only 16.
Grief can lead us to do extraordinary things. In the case of Miriam Rodriguez, the kidnapping and murder of her 20-year old daughter set her on a path of the relentless pursuit of justice.
A Nebraska man and two others nearly drowned Saturday night as neck-high floodwaters filled the elevator of his downtown Omaha apartment building, terrifying video shows.
Woman, 32, who stabbed her boyfriend 100 times to death in weed-induced frenzy is sentenced to 100 HOURS community service – as judge says she ‘had no control over her actions’ after cannabis caused ‘psychotic break’?