In a world where transactions often revolve around financial gains, James Anderson, a plumber from the British town of Burnley, is making headlines for his heartwarming acts of kindness. The story of his altruism gained international attention when a receipt from one of his plumbing jobs went viral, revealing a bill of £0 for a 91-year-old woman battling leukemia.
Originally from Liverpool, James Anderson transformed his plumbing business into a community project named DEPHER (Disabled & Elderly Plumbing and Heating Emergency Repair) in March 2017. The receipt that captured hearts globally was for a job where he fixed a broken boiler and pledged “free plumbing for life” for an elderly woman in need.
Anderson’s motivation to start DEPHER stemmed from witnessing the exploitation of another older man in his community. This compassionate plumber felt the need to do more for vulnerable individuals who might hesitate to ask for assistance. Since the inception of DEPHER, Anderson claims to have assisted over 2,300 people, providing them with essential plumbing services.
DEPHER is committed to making plumbing services accessible to those who might struggle with the costs. Anderson acknowledges that many elderly and disabled individuals suffer in silence, reluctant to ask for help. By offering lower costs and, at times, entirely free services, he aims to alleviate their financial burdens and help them maintain their independence.
While DEPHER relies heavily on donations and crowdfunding to support its philanthropic mission, Anderson has faced financial challenges. Despite accumulating debts of around £8,000, he remains undeterred, paying it off in manageable monthly installments. He even extends a 25% discount during lean times, emphasizing his commitment to aiding those in need.

The 91-year-old woman’s daughter, Christine Rowlands, expressed her gratitude, referring to Anderson as “an Angel dressed as a plumber.” Anderson’s compassion extends beyond fixing boilers; it’s about restoring dignity and comforting those who might otherwise suffer in silence.
In an interview, Anderson emphasized the joy he receives from helping vulnerable individuals, stating that it makes him feel “human, humble, and a little giddy inside.” Anderson’s dedication to expanding DEPHER nationwide remains unwavering despite the financial challenges. He envisions a world where communities unite to support one another, embodying the essence of being a united human race.
As Anderson’s story continues to inspire, the hope is that more individuals and communities will join hands in creating a world where acts of kindness prevail and the spirit of helping one another flourishes.