If you’re as addicted to the internet as the rest of us, chances are you’ve seen one of those videos of someone pouring salt on the beach and causing a bunch of little wriggling worm-like things to come burrowing out of the sand. While these critters might look creepy poking out of the sand like fingers, they’re actually a delicious and meaty form of clam called razor clams.
look what happens when you salt this beach ? pic.twitter.com/ffHX52k7Ol
— Interesting Things (@interesting_aIl) February 1, 2024
The ocean holds all sorts of fascinating and (sometimes) nightmare-inducing creatures, so to help you get to know the razor clam a little better, we’ll go over 5 of the most interesting facts about them:
1. Razor clams got their name because they look like straight razors.
A razor clam isn’t one type of clam–in fact, there are over 23 species of razor clam just in the Atlantic Ocean. The thing these clams have in common, however, is that they’re named for their elongated appearance, which makes them look similar to an old-fashioned straight razor. The Atlantic jackknife clam (Enisis directus) is the most common type of Atlantic razor clam.

2. Razor clams are incredibly sensitive to salt.
One of the easiest ways to harvest razor clams is using salt. This explains some of the more viral videos going around on the internet showing people pouring salt on the beach to bring razor clams out of their holes. They’re fast movers, so a salt solution is needed to disturb the clams long enough to get them out of their holes. The harvesters then grab the razor clams and pull them out of the holes by hand before they have a chance to escape.

3. Razor clams can sense vibrations
Razor clams are extremely sensitive to vibrations, making them difficult to sneak up on. They can easily evade capture by digging deeper underground or forcing themselves out of their burrows. Because they live just beneath the surface to feed, they’re frequently on the move to find food, avoid predators, and move with the changing tides.
4. Razor clams can be caught in several different ways.
While salt harvesting is the flashiest way of catching razor clams, there are different methods of catching them depending on where they live. Razor clams living in a subtidal (underwater) zone are usually hand caught by divers. When capturing clams from the intertidal zone, harvesters have to wait for low tide before quickly digging by hand or using salt solutions. They can also use what’s called a clam gun, which is like a small aluminum tube with handles.

5. Razor clams are extremely delicious.
Razor clams are often considered some of the tastiest species of clam thanks to their tender and chewy texture. You can steam open razor clams and rinse them before cooking them in any number of recipes. Whether you like them grilled, poached, seared, or sautéed, they’ll taste amazing in any dish.
If you like fishing, you might want to give clam-digging a try next time you’re in an area where razor clams reside. Or, if you’re just fascinated by their wriggly squiggly form, then there’s no shortage of videos out there that feature this freaky little critter.